C2 Platform PlantUML Repository


GitLab: c2platform/c2/plantuml 

This repository contains PlantUML (puml) files used for the c2platform.org  website.


Using C4-PlantUML

If you want to use C4-PlantUML  , include c4.puml  in your PlantUML files by using the following line:

!include https://gitlab.com/c2platform/c2/plantuml/-/raw/master/c4.puml?ref_type=heads 

Using Sprites Only

If you only want to use the sprites, include sprites.puml  with the following line:

!include https://gitlab.com/c2platform/c2/plantuml/-/raw/master/sprites.puml?ref_type=heads 


This repository includes scripts for generating PlantUML (puml) files based on svg files.


Running the Converter

To start the icon watcher converter:


After starting icon-watcher-converter.sh, you can drop svg files into the icons/svg directory, and the files will be generated and updated automatically.

Naming Conventions

  • svg files should use underscores (_) instead of hyphens (-) in their names.
  • For ease of use, it is recommended to use lowercase letters and separate words with underscores (_).


This section provides a preview of the available PlantUML sprites in this repository.

Using Sprites

You can use the sprites with the $sprite attribute as shown below:

System(ide_min50_system, "ide_min50", "ide_min50", $sprite="ide_min50")

Using Tags

You can also use tags:

AddSystemTag("GIS_System", $sprite="arcgis", $legendText="GIS platform")

Laatst gewijzigd 2024.11.20: ansibe concept C2-572 (dd7007e)