Ansible Guideline: Using Internal Roles

This guideline is tailored for teams that are relatively new to Ansible and wish to gain experience by using internal roles.


This guideline is tailored for teams that are relatively new to Ansible and wish to gain experience by using internal roles. Internal roles exist within the inventory project alongside playbooks and group_vars, offering a straightforward way to organize and manage your Ansible code without the need for maintaining Ansible collections.

Benefits of Using Internal Roles

  1. Simplified Structure: Internal roles reside in the same repository as your playbooks and group_vars, providing a coherent and straightforward directory structure that is easy to navigate.

  2. Fast Iterations: Without the overhead of release management associated with Ansible collections, teams can focus on rapidly iterating and improving their roles based on immediate feedback.

  3. Single Repository: Having all your playbooks, roles, and configurations in one repository simplifies version control and collaboration, making it easier for teams to coordinate and share their work.

  4. Incremental Learning: Teams can progressively enhance their knowledge of Ansible by making small and manageable changes, without needing to adhere to the higher standards required for reusable collections.

Directory Structure

Here’s a recommended directory structure for an inventory project that uses internal roles:

├── group_vars/
│   ├── all.yml
│   └── webservers.yml
├── host_vars/
│   └── web01.yml
├── inventory/
├── playbooks/
│   ├── site.yml
│   └── webserver.yml
└── roles/
    ├── internal/                     # Internal roles directory
    │   ├── role1/
    │   ├── role2/
    │   └── ...
    └── external/                     # External roles directory for locally patched/customized roles
        ├── community_role1/          # Example external role with local enhancements
        │   ├── tasks/
        │   ├── templates/
        │   ├── files/
        │   ├── vars/
        │   ├── defaults/
        │   └── handlers/
        └── community_role2/          # Another external role
            ├── tasks/
            └── ...

Explanation of the Directory Structure

  • group_vars/ and host_vars/: These directories contain variable files for groups of hosts and individual hosts, respectively.

  • inventory/: This is the inventory file or directory where you define the hosts and groups of hosts that Ansible will manage.

  • playbooks/: This directory holds your Ansible playbooks, which define the orchestration of tasks across your hosts.

  • roles/: The roles directory contains all the roles available to your playbooks.

    • internal/: This subdirectory is specifically for internal roles. These roles are meant for use within this project and are not intended for external sharing or reuse. Each internal role contains standard subdirectories like tasks, templates, files, vars, defaults, and handlers.

    • roles/external/: This directory is dedicated to roles that have been sourced externally—either from Ansible Galaxy or other repositories. Instead of utilizing these roles directly, this directory allows for a controlled, local modification process where roles can be patched or extended according to your specific needs.

      • Purpose:

        • Local Adjustments: If an external role has issues or lacks certain functionality, local copies can be modified to address these needs while enabling you to continue utilizing the role.
        • Custom Enhancements: Add features or customize the behavior of the role to better fit your infrastructure requirements.
        • Compliance with Policies: Adheres to company policies that may restrict direct use of internet-sourced resources by maintaining a local version that has been reviewed or approved.
      • Version Control: By maintaining these roles in version control, you can track your modifications, making it easier to integrate upstream changes when they become available.

      • Parallel Contribution Process: As you make changes or enhancements locally, you can also engage in a parallel process of submitting bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests to the original role maintainers. This potentially helps the upstream role improve while allowing you to keep using the role in its modified form.

Practices for Internal Roles

  1. Local Development: Since everything is in one repository, you can easily test your changes locally before pushing them. Use ansible-playbook commands to verify tasks without needing to handle packaging or distribution.

  2. Consistent Naming: Use clear and descriptive names for your roles and playbooks to make it easier for your team to understand their purpose and usage.

  3. Incremental Changes: Start with simple tasks and gradually add complexity as the team becomes more confident with Ansible. Constantly refactor and improve your roles.

  4. Documentation and Comments: Even though these roles are internal, it’s helpful to include comments and brief documentation within your tasks and roles to describe their functionality.

  5. Focus on Role Functionality: Since these are not designed for reuse across multiple projects, focus on the specific needs of your project. This might mean roles are more tailored and less generic compared to those in a collection.

  6. Peer Reviews: Encourage team members to review each other’s Ansible code. This promotes learning through shared insights and suggestions for improvements.

  7. Version Control Practices: Use branches effectively for new features or experiments, and ensure mainline branches are stable. Use pull requests and code reviews as part of a collaborative workflow.

Transitioning to Ansible Collections

As your team grows more comfortable with Ansible and the quality of your roles improves, consider the following steps to transition to collections if needed:

  • Standardize Role Development: Start adopting best practices for role development and documentation, aligning more closely with community standards.
  • Separation of Concerns: Distinguish between roles that could be reusable and those that are inherently project-specific.
  • Establish Release Processes: Introduce versioning and release processes as roles mature and are used beyond their initial scope.


For teams just starting with Ansible, using internal roles within a single repository provides a manageable and effective way to develop and maintain infrastructure automation. This approach allows for rapid iteration and learning, laying a solid foundation for future growth and potential expansion into Ansible collections.

Last modified October 3, 2024: guideline internal roles RWS-1031 (4f1b3be)