Using Tags with the Linux Play

Learn how to use “always”, “system”, and “install” tags effectively with the Ansible Linux role for optimized playbook execution.

Projects: c2platform/rws/ansible-gis, c2platform.core

The Linux role c2platform.core.linux  , similar to the Windows role  , is a versatile, flexible, and generic role designed for targeting Linux and Windows hosts, respectively. This document outlines how the tagging scheme, as described in the guideline Enhancing Ansible Playbooks with Tags , can be used and implemented for the Linux role.

Consider the following Ansible play:

- name: Linux role
  hosts: localhost
  become: true

    - { role: c2platform.core.secrets }  # → always
    - { role: c2platform.core.linux }  # → install, system, linux

      - name: system_install_task.txt
        dest: /tmp/system_install_task.txt
        type: copy
        content: |

Note this play is part of the c2platform/rws/ansible-gis project see plays/examples/linux.yml.

List Tasks

To list possible/available tags that can be used with the Ansible play, run the following command:

ansible-playbook $PLAY -i $INVENTORY $LIMIT --list-tasks

You should see output similar to the below. Notice that the tasks that are part of the c2platform.core.secrets  role are tagged with always. This role decrypts the Ansible Vault to make secrets available. This role uses the always tag to ensure that secrets are consistently made available to the tasks.

playbook: plays/examples/linux.yml

  play #1 (localhost): Linux role	TAGS: []
      c2platform.core.secrets : Set fact for common_secrets_dirs	TAGS: [always, secrets, vault]
      c2platform.core.secrets : Deprecated variable	TAGS: [always, secrets, vault]
      c2platform.core.secrets : Stat secret dir	TAGS: [always, secrets, vault]
      c2platform.core.secrets : Include secrets	TAGS: [always, secrets, vault]
      c2platform.core.vagrant_hosts : Set fact vagrant_hosts_content	TAGS: [config, development, system, vagrant_hosts]
      c2platform.core.vagrant_hosts : Manage /etc/hosts of Vagrant Host	TAGS: [config, development, system, vagrant_hosts]
      c2platform.core.vagrant_hosts : Manage hosts file of Vagrant Linux guest	TAGS: [config, development, system, vagrant_hosts]
      c2platform.core.vagrant_hosts : Manage hosts file of Vagrant Windows guest	TAGS: [config, development, system, vagrant_hosts]
      c2platform.core.vagrant_hosts : Manage hosts file of Vagrant Windows guest	TAGS: [config, development, system, vagrant_hosts]
      include_tasks	TAGS: []
      include_tasks	TAGS: []
      c2platform.core.apt_repo : Add APT key	TAGS: [debian, install, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.apt_repo : Add APT repository	TAGS: [debian, install, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.yum : Add YUM repository	TAGS: [install, linux, redhat, system, yum]
      c2platform.core.bootstrap : Pip conf	TAGS: [bootstrap, install, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.bootstrap : Pip trust store	TAGS: [bootstrap, install, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.bootstrap : Pip ca bundle	TAGS: [bootstrap, install, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.bootstrap : Include package tasks	TAGS: [bootstrap, install, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.bootstrap : Deprecation message	TAGS: [bootstrap, install, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.os_trusts : CA distribute ( RedHat)	TAGS: [config, linux, os_trusts, system]
      c2platform.core.os_trusts : Execute update-ca-trust	TAGS: [config, linux, os_trusts, system]
      c2platform.core.os_trusts : CA distribute ( Debian )	TAGS: [config, linux, os_trusts, system]
      c2platform.core.os_trusts : Execute update-ca-certificates ( Debian )	TAGS: [config, linux, os_trusts, system]
      c2platform.core.secrets : Set fact for common_secrets_dirs	TAGS: [always, secrets, vault]
      c2platform.core.secrets : Deprecated variable	TAGS: [always, secrets, vault]
      c2platform.core.secrets : Stat secret dir	TAGS: [always, secrets, vault]
      c2platform.core.secrets : Include secrets	TAGS: [always, secrets, vault]
      c2platform.core.lcm : Ansible roles names without prefix	TAGS: [ansible]
      c2platform.core.lcm : lcm_roles_node	TAGS: [ansible]
      c2platform.core.lcm : Determine LCM info facts	TAGS: [ansible]
      c2platform.core.lcm : LCM info facts	TAGS: [ansible]
      c2platform.core.lvm : Get disks	TAGS: [install, linux, lvm, system]
      c2platform.core.lvm : Get usable devices	TAGS: [install, linux, lvm, system]
      c2platform.core.lvm : Get nodes lvm roles	TAGS: [install, linux, lvm, system]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [install, linux, lvm, system]
      c2platform.core.lvm : Volume group	TAGS: [install, linux, lvm, system]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [install, linux, lvm, system]
      c2platform.core.hosts : Include OS-specific variables.	TAGS: [hosts, install, linux, network, system]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [hosts, install, linux, network, system]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [hosts, install, linux, network, system]
      c2platform.core.alias : Set fact node roles	TAGS: [alias, config, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.alias : Alias file	TAGS: [alias, config, linux, system]
      c2platform.core.linux : Include linux_resources_types	TAGS: [install, linux, linux_acl, linux_alternatives, linux_apk, linux_apt, linux_apt_key, linux_apt_repo, linux_apt_repository, linux_apt_rpm, linux_archive, linux_at, linux_authorized_key, linux_blockinfile, linux_bundler, linux_capabilities, linux_command, linux_copy, linux_cpanm, linux_cron, linux_cronvar, linux_crypttab, linux_dconf, linux_deb822_repository, linux_debconf, linux_dnf, linux_dnf5, linux_dnf_versionlock, linux_dpkg_divert, linux_dpkg_selections, linux_easy_install, linux_fail, linux_fetch, linux_file, linux_filesize, linux_filesystem, linux_firewalld, linux_flatpak, linux_flatpak_remote, linux_gconftool2, linux_gconftool2_info, linux_gem, linux_get_url, linux_git, linux_git_config, linux_haproxy, linux_hostname, linux_htpasswd, linux_include_role, linux_iptables, linux_java_cert, linux_java_keystore, linux_known_hosts, linux_lineinfile, linux_locale_gen, linux_lvg, linux_lvg_rename, linux_lvol, linux_lxc_container, linux_lxd_container, linux_lxd_profile, linux_lxd_project, linux_mail, linux_mount, linux_nmcli, linux_npm, linux_package, linux_pacman, linux_pacman_key, linux_pam_limits, linux_pamd, linux_parted, linux_patch, linux_pause, linux_pip, linux_reboot, linux_replace, linux_rhsm_release, linux_rhsm_repository, linux_rpm_key, linux_runit, linux_script, linux_seboolean, linux_sefcontext, linux_selinux, linux_selinux_permissive, linux_selogin, linux_service, linux_shell, linux_shutdown, linux_slurp, linux_snap, linux_snap_alias, linux_ssh_config, linux_sudoers, linux_synchronize, linux_sysctl, linux_syslogger, linux_systemd, linux_systemd_service, linux_sysvinit, linux_tempfile, linux_template, linux_timezone, linux_ufw, linux_unarchive, linux_uri, linux_user, linux_wait_for, linux_wait_for_connection, linux_xml, linux_yum, linux_yum_repository, linux_yum_versionlock, linux_zfs, linux_zfs_delegate_admin, linux_zfs_facts, system]
      c2platform.core.linux : Include linux_resources	TAGS: [install, linux, linux_acl, linux_alternatives, linux_apk, linux_apt, linux_apt_key, linux_apt_repo, linux_apt_repository, linux_apt_rpm, linux_archive, linux_at, linux_authorized_key, linux_blockinfile, linux_bundler, linux_capabilities, linux_command, linux_copy, linux_cpanm, linux_cron, linux_cronvar, linux_crypttab, linux_dconf, linux_deb822_repository, linux_debconf, linux_dnf, linux_dnf5, linux_dnf_versionlock, linux_dpkg_divert, linux_dpkg_selections, linux_easy_install, linux_fail, linux_fetch, linux_file, linux_filesize, linux_filesystem, linux_firewalld, linux_flatpak, linux_flatpak_remote, linux_gconftool2, linux_gconftool2_info, linux_gem, linux_get_url, linux_git, linux_git_config, linux_haproxy, linux_hostname, linux_htpasswd, linux_include_role, linux_iptables, linux_java_cert, linux_java_keystore, linux_known_hosts, linux_lineinfile, linux_locale_gen, linux_lvg, linux_lvg_rename, linux_lvol, linux_lxc_container, linux_lxd_container, linux_lxd_profile, linux_lxd_project, linux_mail, linux_mount, linux_nmcli, linux_npm, linux_package, linux_pacman, linux_pacman_key, linux_pam_limits, linux_pamd, linux_parted, linux_patch, linux_pause, linux_pip, linux_reboot, linux_replace, linux_rhsm_release, linux_rhsm_repository, linux_rpm_key, linux_runit, linux_script, linux_seboolean, linux_sefcontext, linux_selinux, linux_selinux_permissive, linux_selogin, linux_service, linux_shell, linux_shutdown, linux_slurp, linux_snap, linux_snap_alias, linux_ssh_config, linux_sudoers, linux_synchronize, linux_sysctl, linux_syslogger, linux_systemd, linux_systemd_service, linux_sysvinit, linux_tempfile, linux_template, linux_timezone, linux_ufw, linux_unarchive, linux_uri, linux_user, linux_wait_for, linux_wait_for_connection, linux_xml, linux_yum, linux_yum_repository, linux_yum_versionlock, linux_zfs, linux_zfs_delegate_admin, linux_zfs_facts, system]


Execute the following command to run the playbook:

ansible-playbook plays/examples/linux.yml -i hosts.ini

As expected, both the secrets and Linux roles should be provisioned. The Linux role will create the file /tmp/system_install_task.txt.

Show me
θ97° [:ansible-gis]└2 master(+15/-11)+* ± ansible-playbook $PLAY -i $INVENTORY $LIMIT | tee provision.log

PLAY [Linux role] **************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [c2platform.core.secrets : Stat secret dir] *******************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/home/onknows/git/gitlab/c2/ansible-gis/secret_vars/development)
ok: [localhost] => (item=/runner/project/secret_vars/development)

TASK [c2platform.core.secrets : Include secrets] *******************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/home/onknows/git/gitlab/c2/ansible-gis/secret_vars/development)

TASK [c2platform.core.linux : Include linux_resources] *************************
included: /home/onknows/git/gitlab/c2/ansible-dev-collections/ansible_collections/c2platform/core/roles/linux/tasks/copy.yml for localhost => (item= system_install_task.txt)

TASK [c2platform.core.linux : Copy files to remote locations] ******************
ok: [localhost] => (item=/tmp/system_install_task.txt)

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=5    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=49   rescued=0    ignored=0


In this very simple example, you can verify that you run the play using --tags linux_copy, --tags system, --tags install and --tags linux. In each case, note that the Include secrets task of the Ansible Secrets / Vault role c2platform.core.secrets will run.


  1. If you look at the tasks/main.yml file in the c2platform.core.secrets  role, note that the tasks are tagged with the special Ansible tag always.

Additional Information

Last modified November 20, 2024: ansibe concept C2-572 (dd7007e)