
GitLab: c2platform/vagrant-boxes 

This project is used to create boxes to upload to Vagrant cloud  . The boxes are not created from scratch. This project uses existing public boxes and then updates those boxes using shell and / or Ansible provisoners.

Install roles / collections

ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections/requirements.yml -p .
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml --force --no-deps -p roles/external

Vagrant images

c2platform/ubuntu-bionic0.1.0LXC / LXDUbuntu 18.04.6 LTSubuntu18-lxd
c2platform/ubuntu-focal0.1.0LXC / LXDUbuntu 20.04.5ubuntu20-lxd
c2platform/ubuntu-jammy0.1.0LXC / LXDUbuntu 22.04.1ubuntu22-lxd
c2platform/centos70.1.0LXC / LXDCentOS Linux release 7.9.2009centos7-lxd
c2platform/centos70.1.0VirtualBoxCentOS Linux release 7.9.2009centos7
c2platform/ubuntu-bionic0.1.0VirtualBoxUbuntu 18.04.6 LTSubuntu18
c2platform/win20160.1.0VirtualBoxMS Windows Server 2016win2016
c2platform/awx0.1.0VirtualBoxUbuntu 22.04.1awx

See Vagrant cloud  .

Last modified November 14, 2024: guideline tags en fme flow tags RWS-353 (ed0ed3f)