Ansible Collection - c2platform.gis ( DEPRECATED )

Ansible Collection for ArcGIS, FME and VertiGIS Studio

GitLab: c2platform/rws/ansible-collection-gis 

Pipeline Status Latest Release Ansible Galaxy

C2 Platform Ansible Collection for ArcGIS Server, Pro, Portal, FME, etc


ArcGIS Enterprise




Modules and Filters

For detailed information on the available modules and filters within this collection, please refer to the Ansible Galaxy  page.

You can of course also use the ansible-doc command to explore the documentation:

ansible-doc -t module --list c2platform.gis
ansible-doc -t filter --list c2platform.gis
ansible-doc -t filter <FILTER_NAME>
ansible-doc -t module <MODULE_NAME>

Last modified November 14, 2024: guideline tags en fme flow tags RWS-353 (ed0ed3f)